How to write a conclusion

Definition of conclusion How to write a conclusion

The term conclusion is derived from the Latin word facit, which means “it does” or “it results.” Other terms or synonyms are résumés. How to write a conclusion perspective, outlook, or result. The conclusion is an evaluative summary in which a result is usually presented and conclusions are drawn.

The conclusion is at the end of the text and is an integral part of various text types. Text types that typically contain a decision are scientific papers as homework, bachelor theses, and master’s theses in the study or research papers in school. Final reports of any kind, such as an internship report, also end with a conclusion.

Length of the conclusion How to write a conclusion

One cannot make a general statement about the ideal length of a conclusion. The extent of the decision differs depending on the text form. The more extensive and in-depth your text or work is, the more detailed your conclusion should be.

In general, your conclusion should be around ten percent of the number of pages in your previous work, but usually no more than two pages. For a term paper of 15 pages, your résumé should be between one and two pages long.

Conclusion with different types of text

The scope and the components of the conclusion vary depending on the type of text you are writing it for. It would be best to differentiate between informational texts such as scientific papers and communicative texts such as reports and discussions.

Conclusion for scientific work How to write a conclusion

The conclusion completes your scientific work such as housework, dissertation, or master’s thesis. Although it is at the end of the work, it has a high priority and must not be neglected.

However, before you start to write your conclusion, you should briefly think about the elaboration. Make yourself aware that you have completed the research part of your work and are now writing the conclusion.

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. It usually contains the following components:

  1. Summary of the results How to write a conclusion

First, you come back to your research question and summarize your main findings from the central part. It is essential that you can separate the most crucial points from less critical aspects.

The aim of the present study was to …

For this purpose …

It turned out that … Because …

As far as the … is concerned, it could be shown based on… that …

On the other hand, it had to be stated that …

  1. Answering the research question

You will then answer your research question based on the results and findings. The reader could theoretically only read the introduction and the conclusion and would still understand the topic and the problem.

The results of the investigation … have confirmed the original hypothesis.

In conclusion, it can be stated that whether … has to be answered in a differentiated manner. On the one hand … On the other hand … Thus …

  1. Interpretation of the results

In addition, you should reflect on the results of your work. Evaluate them critically, and place them in the research context. So show what contribution your scientific work makes to the topic or research area. Compare whether you come to similar or different results as other scientists.

It would help if you also pointed out what can and cannot deduct from your work. Also, address open questions or existing problems.

On the other hand. It had to establish that the implementation of … did not lead to a clear result concerning the connection between … and…

  1. Outlook on possible research fields

Finally, it would be best if you gave an outlook in your conclusion. To do this, you go beyond the scope of your work and consider which aspects from other, similar research fields could be considered.

This bachelor thesis has made a first research contribution on the topic … Further research could deal more closely with the sub-area …

Due to the focus on …, it was not possible to go into more detail on … in the context of this bachelor thesis. However, this could offer a fundamental approach for future research.

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Regardless of what type of text you are writing a conclusion for, there are some rules and tips that you should follow to formulate a successful summary. The following tips will help you make writing more accessible and make the text easier to understand.

Write a conclusion at the end.

It makes sense to only write the conclusion at the very end of your text. It would help if you were sure that the central part was complete and contained everything. Otherwise, there is a risk that further ideas or thoughts will come to you while summarizing your results and findings in conclusion.

Plan enough time

The conclusion is the last part of the text but is still an important part. It would help if you didn’t underestimate the time you need to write your conclusion. In particular, you should take your time answering the research question or hypothesis. If you press for time. You risk writing down the conclusion quickly and just repeating yourself.

Appropriate writing style

Like the rest of the text, the conclusion should be easy to read and easy to understand. The judgment also includes that it concentrates on the main findings and statements and should therefore word in a particularly understandable manner.

Therefore, you should formulate sentences as short and straightforward as possible and avoid long, nested sentence constructions. Connections become apparent even if you present them in several sentences.

In general, you should keep the language neutral in your conclusion. When it comes to your personal opinion and experiences, it makes sense to use the personal pronoun “I” and subjective feelings.

Typical mistakes when writing the conclusion

There are typical mistakes you can make when writing a conclusion. Before you start writing your decision, be aware of these mistakes to avoid them from the start.

Repetition of the central part

Be careful not to repeat the content of the central part bluntly. Concentrate on briefly summarizing the main findings.

New content and insights

Under no circumstances should you include new content and insights in your conclusion. Everything that you formulate in your conclusion must have previously been dealt with in the central part.

Empty phrases

Try to avoid empty phrases when writing your conclusion. Of course, it’s not primarily about the conclusion that it is exciting and exciting to read. However, it would help to improve reading fluency by using the introduction and transition of sentences as varied as possible.

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