How to make simple syrup?

Your menu is incomplete without any sweet drink or a sweet dish. Serving guests with mojitos, cocktails, or coffee mostly in the events has become a new trend. For that, simple syrup is a must ingredient. The simple sugar syrup can be used in most sweet dishes. It can also be used as a garnishing material for cakes and other desserts. Already made syrup can be an easy-to-go ingredient to make desserts and juices that save a person’s time. In the following article, we get to know about How to make simple syrup? So please don’t skip the article from anywhere and read it carefully because it will be very useful for all of you guys.

Now, the deal is how to make simple syrup. The recipe is quite simple and easy. Follow the recipe accurately, and you are good to go. Once the syrup is ready, you can make various items from it. 

The amount of sweetness you love reflects the ratio of sugar and water. The sweet sweetener should be rich in taste.

For now, the recipe is shared, taking the ratio 1:1, making the syrup a simple sweet one.


Sugar  ½ cup

Water ½ cup


  • Take a pan. 
  • Add sugar and water in the ratio mentioned above.
  • Turn on the flame.
  • Boil the water till the sugar dissolves.
  • Take a sterilized glass jar.
  • Let the syrup cool down.
  • Pour the syrup into the glass jar.
  • Seal it tightly.
  • Your sugar syrups are ready to use.
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The simple syrup you have made, if preserved in the sterilized glass jar, can survive up to 1 month / 30 days.

If you like more sweetness, you can take the ratio as 2:1, granulated sugar 2 cups, and 1 cup of water. This will make rich sugar syrups.

Now, you know how to make simple syrups but are confused about which recipe you can use this syrup. Then, follow this article to the end because it will guide you to a few syrups recipes.

Simple syrup for cakes

Simple syrups can moisten it and make cakes juicy before icing the cakes. Prick the cake with a fork and soak it with a few sugar syrups to moisten it. And that’s it.

Simple syrup for cocktails

Every cocktail needs sugar to be added to it. Granulated sugar takes a lot of time to dissolve. To make a cocktail faster, adding sugar syrup is the best option to use.

Simple syrup for coffee

Coffee needs sugar too. You can add these syrups with milk to make a lovely coffee to make a coffee.

Sugar syrups for other desserts

You can top up your pancakes, waffles, and yogurt with these sugar syrups which enhance the flavor. It can also be drizzled over fruit salads. You can also replace the granulated sugar in the cake batter with this sugar syrups. But the quantity would be less than the coarse ones.

So, keep in mind, if you are using syrups to make batter for cake, reduce the liquid quantity from the cake’s ingredients.

Hope this article will help you out in making simple variations. Happy eating and drinking.

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