How to break a fever?

If you need to stop the fever, take a cool bath or shower to lower your body temperature. You can also apply a washcloth soaked in cold water to their forehead to relieve fever or have them sit or lie down near a fan. Paracetamol works as an antipyretic, so give a dose based on the person’s age and weight every 4-6 hours. In this article, we read about How to break a fever? You guys must read the article or don’t skip it from anywhere. It’s going to be very useful for all of you.

Fever is a temporary increase in body temperature, which usually fluctuates between 98 and 37 ° C (36.7 – 37.2 ° C). A fever indicates that your body is fighting an infection or coping with a disease. Most fevers are beneficial because viruses and bacteria don’t thrive in higher temperatures, so it’s your body’s defense mechanism. Fever can be bothersome for a day or so, but is not a cause for concern unless it reaches 39 ° C (39.4 ° C) or higher in adults or above 38 ° C (38.3 ° C) ) in children. Fever can be reduced with home remedies and medications.

Steps to break a fever

Part 1 of 2: reduce fever naturally

  • Be patient and check the temperature. 

Most fevers in children and adults are self-limiting and usually go away within two to three days. Therefore, you should be patient with mild to moderate fevers for a few days (because they are helpful) and monitor your temperature every two hours to ensure your fever doesn’t get dangerously high. For infants and young children, it is best to do rectal readings. Fevers lasting a week or more are a cause for concern, as are high temperatures (over 39 ° C or 39.4 ° C in adults and over 38 ° C or 38.3 ° C in children).

  1. Keep in mind that body temperature is usually higher in the evening and after physical activity. Menstruation, intense emotions, and hot, humid environments also temporarily increase core body temperature.
  2. In addition to sweating, other symptoms associated with mild to moderate fevers include muscle aches, general weakness, fatigue, chills, headache, loss of appetite, and a flushed face.
  3. Additional symptoms associated with high fever include hallucinations, confusion, irritability, seizures, and potential loss of consciousness (coma).
  4. While you are waiting for a mild to moderate fever, make sure you keep yourself well hydrated. Fever triggers sweating, which can quickly lead to dehydration without making an effort to drink plenty of fluids.
  • Remove excess clothing or blankets to break a fever.

 A common-sense and straightforward method to reduce fever is to remove excess clothing during waking hours and spare blankets while in bed. Clothes and blankets insulate our bodies and prevent heat from escaping from our skin. So, put on a layer of light clothing and use a soft blanket to sleep while trying to fight off a high fever.

  1. Avoid clothes and blankets made from synthetic fabrics or wool. Instead, go for cotton fabrics because they breathe better.
  2.  Remember that your head and feet are capable of losing a lot of heat, so try not to cover your head with hats or feet with thick socks while battling a high fever.
  3. Do not wrap someone who develops the chills of fever because they can overheat quickly.
  • Take a cool bath or shower to break a fever.

If you or your child develop a high fever with associated symptoms (see above), take a cool bath or shower to lower their body temperature. However, it is essential not to use cold water, ice, or alcohol solution because it often worsens the situation by triggering chills, which tend to raise the core body temperature even more. Stick to lukewarm or cold water and bathe for about 10-15 minutes. Bathing can be easier than showering if you are tired, weak, and sore.

  1. Alternatively, take a clean washcloth or sponge, soak it in cold water, wring it out, and apply it to your forehead like a cold compress. Change it every 20 minutes until the fever goes down.
  2. Another good idea is to use a spray bottle filled with chilled distilled water to spray (spray) yourself every 30 minutes to cool. Focus on spraying on your face, neck, and upper chest for best results.
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4. Keep yourself well hydrated to break a fever

Staying well-hydrated is always important, but it becomes even more with a fever because you lose more water with sweat. Try to increase your water consumption  (the recommended amount for optimal health). Increase it to 10 glasses if you have a fever. Drink cool drinks with ice added to help lower your fever. Natural fruit/vegetable juice is a good idea because it contains sodium (an electrolyte), lost when sweating.

  1. Avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks as they can wash the skin and make a person feel warmer.
  2. For fevers with no noticeable perspiration, consider consuming warmer drinks (like herbal tea) and foods (like chicken broth) to trigger sweating – this leads to evaporative cooling of the body.

5. Sit or lie down near a fan

The more air circulates in your body and on sweaty skin, the more influential the evaporative cooling process is. That’s why we sweat in the first place so that our skin and surface blood vessels cool down as the ambient air evaporates the moisture. Being near a fan speeds up this process. Therefore, sit and sleep next to an oscillating fan to relieve fever, even if you make sure your skin is exposed enough to be effective.

  1. Don’t be so close to a fan or have it raised so high that it causes chills, as the resulting chills and goosebumps work to increase your body temperature.
  2. Air conditioning may be the best idea for a hot, humid room. But a mechanical fan is usually a better choice. Because the space is less likely to get too cold after a while.
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