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How to clean your ears and prevent and eliminate earwax plugs
The first symptoms that indicate the formation of the wax plug are related to hearing loss with a sensation of “closed ear”, How to clean ears autophony (hearing your own voice booming) and noises inside the ear. In particular conditions, the earwax plug can favor the onset of inflammatory phenomena (ear infections) which are associated with the already annoying sensation of a closed ear. So let’s see what practices exist for cleaning the ears.
First of all, it is important to remember that the removal of the earwax plug must be carried out by a specialist doctor, avoiding “do it yourself” procedures which can be risky for the ear.
Ear cleaning spray: How to clean ears
Ear sprays can use to prevent the accumulation of ear wax, which slow down its formation. Through the irrigation of the duct, through a special spout, the elimination of small ceruminous formations is favored. Generally, ear cleaning sprays consist of an isotonic solution of sea water and sodium chloride , they can keep the ear canal clean, but have little effectiveness in the presence of a real plug. For their safety and specificity they are the most recommended products for the prevention and cleaning of ears in children. After using the sprays, the ears must drive, tilting the head on the treated side, with soft towels or paper towels used only externally.
Ear washing by syringe: How to clean ears
Irrigation, commonly known as scrubbing , is a safe and effective method of removing earwax; It is used warm water (36 ° – 37 °) or a mixture composed of 50% water and 50% hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide). Through a large syringeof at least 100 ml, How to clean ears equipped with a special spout, we proceed with the irrigation of the ear canal taking care to dose the irrigation pressure. The correct maneuver involves slightly pulling the auricle upwards and backwards to facilitate the entry of water into the ear canal. The spout of the syringe must position in the upper part of the duct to direct the water behind the ear wax and thus facilitate expulsion. Finally, the head title helps water escape, and the ear dry with a soft cloth. Flushing cannot done in the case of tympanic membrane perforations or the presence of ear inflammation.
Wax cones and candles
A “do it yourself” method used for ear cleaning are wax cones . Not recommended by doctors due to the risk of burns and / or dripping of wax in the ear canal, it is a practice often used in the home. Ear cleaning wax cones, also known as candles , consist of about 20 cm long waxed cones that fit 1-2 cm from the narrow end into the ear canal. how to start running The wax cone once lit, from the widest and most distant part of the ear canal, just as if it were a candle, removes the ear wax through a real suction. Near the narrow end there is a sort of saucer that serves to protect the skin and hair from fire.
Cleaning the ears with cotton buds
For the cleaning of the ears it is absolutely not recommended the use of cotton swabs (better known as cotton swab ) as they can push the wax towards the tympanic membrane, favoring the accumulation and result in injury of the membrane itself. Cotton swabs should only use for external cleaning of the auricle. Without introducing them into the ear canal. Especially in children. |
Drops for cleaning the ears
The emollient cerumelitic products come. In the form of drops for ear use and are generally. Composed of natural oils (olive oil, almond oil, vaseline) and disinfectants. Or by the union of hydrogen peroxide. Glycerin dimethyl benzene and other components help dilute. Soften and dissolve the earwax. Thus favoring removal by the doctor by aspiration or washing. If the cap is particularly resistant. 3-4 drops can insert twice a day for 4-5 days. Before removal by the doctor. A doctor’s visit. And the prescription essential before using the drops. The use of cerebellitis is safe. best food containers How to clean ears But still contraindicated in case of pain. Perforation of the tympanic membrane. Or if the ear has undergone surgery. Including placement of the tube in the tympanostomy. Cerumelitis is not for use in young children.
Aspiration of ear wax
For aspiration, the doctor uses a special electric aspirator equipped with a suction tip that gently sucks the ear wax. It indicates in cases of perforation of the tympanic membrane and. how torun faster In all those cases. In which the use of cerumelitis and Or washing contraindicate. The removal of ear wax can also done. Through a special hook which should. Only use by the specialist doctor.