Best Protein Powder

What are the best protein powders?

Many will wonder if there is some ranking of the best protein supplements on the market. Best Protein Powder Surely, several brands on the market offer different types of proteins, from milk, soy, meat, egg, vegan, and much more. 

The consumer finds himself so disoriented, which one should he buy? Which are the best ?. In this short article, we will see the main types of protein powders. To help the consumer choose with more excellent—awareness of the ones that best suit his needs.

Characteristics of protein evaluation

The cost of protein supplements varies based on various factors, such as:

  • the manufacturing process;
  • the degree of purity,
  • how advanced and technical a product promotion and perceived.

In reality, there is no real basis for saying that the more advanced. And expensive a formula. The more useful it. So the criteria for choosing should be different. From how intuition or impulse would lead us to do. The degree of protein concentration or speed. Of assimilation are not, in fact, indices of the quality of a protein. So they are not necessarily an added value. 

For example, the faster a protein is, the more there is the risk that amino acids will be wasted as energy (oxidized) (1), but in general, the speed of assimilation is not necessarily seen as an anabolic advantage ( 1.2). Rapid protein is also less versatile as it is unsuitable for consumption (alone) if it is too far apart between meals (1).

Furthermore, the degree of concentration is also not a real indicator of quality. For example, isolated proteins obtained through some processes (such as ion exchange) denature proteins compared to the same protein type with a lower protein percentage (3). Best Protein Powder Furthermore, there are proteins with a lower protein percentage (75-80%) that may have a higher protein quality than the more isolated forms (90-95%); for example, caseins versus soy protein isolate.

Most importantly, high-quality protein powders do not result in tremendous muscle growth than the same diet with the same protein intake but are made from food-only protein (4,5). Be aware that the “advanced” features of a supplement are unlikely to justify the higher prices.

Are protein powders harmful to you? When and when not

Rarely do you read sensational news of deaths from supplements in the newspaper? These very sporadic cases (in fact, the information often comes from abroad) occur due to genetic defects on the enzymes responsible for proteases or inherent in cellular processes. It is not the supplement that causes death. The person had a congenital inability to withstand sure protein loads whether they came from the supplements or not. These subjects are so rare that they make news and do not concern ordinary people’s metabolism (if a person dies from eating almonds, it is not that almonds are automatically bad for everyone).

Are they bad for the liver or kidneys?

Protein intake (in this case, in powder form) has always been associated with kidney or liver problems. In healthy subjects, this correlation has never been demonstrated, and in recent years, the scientific literature has also questioned the relationship for many pathologies.

It is logical that the doctor (in those who write to us that the doctor is against protein supplementation ), in a position of caution, will always advise you to avoid taking something you do not need. Ours is not an invitation to listen to the doctor (before they report us) and study the scientific literature on the matter and form one’s own opinion.

Contraindications of Best Protein Powder supplementation

They are useless to take if you are already getting your daily protein quota through food. If you are highly lactose intolerant and sensitive to galactose and if you have an altered gut microbiota. In this case, take protein powder with no added flavors. The sugars that are added are artificial sweeteners, which worsen the microbiota. Conversely, neutral whey (in moderate doses) has a positive effect on intestinal microflora.

Do protein powders make you fat?

Even if proteins are the macronutrient that makes you fat-less, the addition of protein powders is not free and must always be counted in the daily caloric intake. On average, a scoop of proteins is 90-130kcal and provides 20-30g of protein. As if they came from the food, they must be counted, and above all, it is useless to take in excess. Protein does not make you fat, but it does lead to weight gain if it leads to a calorie excess.

Best protein powders: which ones to choose

Whey protein (whey protein)

In English Whey Protein, whey protein is probably the most common form of protein supplement on the market. These represent about 20% of milk proteins and are recognized for a higher protein quality (such as biological value) than the other fraction of milk proteins, best fitness tracker caseins. Furthermore, whey has a higher protein quality than other protein powders (3,6), so it is worth considering the purchase due to the often lower price than other more “advanced” proteins.

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But whey divide into various subtypes, these are: 

  • Whey concentrate: the lower degree of purity brings the protein concentration around 80%, small amounts of lactose and fat, and a more fabulous presence of minerals such as calcium and sodium. 
  • Whey isolates: by definition, the form with the highest degree of purity, reaching protein percentages up to 90-95%, insignificant amount of lactose and fats, and fewer minerals. 
  • Hydrolyzed whey: presented as the most “advanced” form, it is subjected to artificial digestion processes that break down proteins into smaller fractions (peptides) to make them more rapidly absorbable.
  • Native whey: they represent the latest novelty among the types of whey. They are similar to concentrates but are obtained through a particular filtration process of raw milk and slightly higher leucine concentration (an amino acid necessary for protein synthesis).

Which Whey to choose?

In the choice of purchase, the following points should be considered:

Protein concentration: on a 25 g measure of protein, the concentrates (80% protein) provide 20g net of protein, while the isolates (90-95%) give just 2-4 g more. This difference is so marginal that the isolated forms would not justify much higher prices to get a couple of net grams of additional protein.

Purity: the isolated forms are purer than the concentrated forms, containing fewer lactose, fats, and minerals. Since these are traces, this does not justify the choice of isolated structures, but this is true if you are not intolerant to lactose or other milk components, even in minimal quantities. If they help you in digestion (because you are impatient), the higher price is justified.

Speed ​​of assimilation: As seen above, the high rate of assimilation is promoted and perceived as an added value, but this is questionable. However, it is possible to stimulate more remarkable—protein synthesis with relatively lower doses. More incredible speed can result in greater oxidation (waste). In any case, there is no evidence to say that the faster a protein is, the greater the muscle growth.

Leucine content: Among the various forms of whey, the recent native ones are those with the highest percentage of leucine, and it could be assumed that this allows for more remarkable protein synthesis. On a measuring cup containing 20 g net, the leucine content is 0.5 g higher than in regular whey (2.7 vs. 2.2 g on 20 g). Still, the increase in muscle protein synthesis was similar between the two forms (7 ), suggesting the absence of real advantages from this perspective. 

Casein: Best Protein Powder

Casein is the predominant fraction of milk proteins, accounting for about 80% against 20% of whey proteins. This protein type was much promoted in the past as ideal for the “pre-sleep” period thanks to its characteristic prolonged absorption compared to whey. During the night fasting, this allowed to maintain prolonged anabolism and buffer catabolism muscle (3). But even in this case, many clarifications must be made. 

  • These theories were born from some old acute studies where it was not proven that casein had an advantage on body composition when taken in the “pre-sleep,” given the absence of long-term measurements (8). 
  • In more recent years, it has emerged that fasting even up to 16-20 hours a day does not negatively affect muscle mass (9,10), questioning the need to take protein to “cover” the night fast, given the absence of catabolic risk.
  • Typical solid protein food undergoes a potentially similar or more prolonged digestion rate and absorption than casein (1), questioning the need to rely on casein alone for such characteristics.
  • Not all caseins undergo slow assimilation, given that only the micellar form among the various existing ones has these characteristics (8,11);

Caseins divide into:

  • Micellar casein is the most classic form of casein and the only one that is slow absorbing.
  • Calcium caseinate: the lowest cost form, where the micellar structure is destroyed by thermal or acid treatment making it more rapidly assimilated (8,11).
  • Hydrolyzed casein: The form is presented as more “advanced,” even if it is promoted with other purposes than the micellar form since it is rapidly assimilated like other hydrolyzed proteins.

Which caseins to choose? Best Protein Powder

If the aim is to take a slower digesting and absorbing protein, then the micellar form is the only one that should be considered as both caseinate and hydrolyzed casein forms have a rapid absorption rate. Given the higher price of the more qualitative whey,   Best‌ ‌Running‌ Shoes‌ ‌ Best Protein Powder, and the uselessness as a supposed “nocturnal anti-catabolic,” it is best to pause to think about whether it is worth opting for this supplement for specific purposes.

On the other hand, if you look for a quick protein, focusing on caseinate or hydrolyzed caseins cheap since some of them can cost much more than whey, which has a higher protein quality (3). In general, whey recognizes as more beneficial than caseins in regards to muscle growth or adaptations (3)—however, the best value for money form of casein calcium caseinate.

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Complete milk Best Protein Powder

Complete milk proteins (or milk proteins) are a protein supplement that respects the protein proportions present in cow’s milk, i.e., 80% casein and 20% whey protein (whey). The “complete” often promote the optimal protein. Source as they would combine. Best Protein Powder The properties of casein with those of whey protein. They were obtaining a sort of protein blend. That is the union of proteins with different degrees of absorption (8). This idea probably stems from the fact that some research has observed—better muscle growth with the combination of various protein supplements than a single type (3,8).

These results must interpret with extreme caution. Since when the studies tested the combination between whey and casein. They did not respect the 80/20 proportions as those of total milk proteins (3). Other times for milk proteins, it merely meant administration. Of skimmed milk and not of the concentrated supplement (8). There does not seem to be any comparative research on true, complete milk proteins’ anabolic potential. But probably, at best, they are similar to whey. They differed in a slower absorption rate (which does not seem to be a real advantage).

Complete milk protein can evaluate as an alternative to whey or casein as high-quality protein. Best Protein Powder The 80/20 ratio probably makes them medium-slow assimilation. Given the possibility that the cost exceeds. That of the more qualitative whey (at least the concentrates). And that there are more traces of fats. Lactose and other substances. It to carefully evaluated whether. It is convenient to opt for this protein over pure whey.

Egg protein: Best Protein Powder

Egg proteins exist both as egg white only (ovalbumin) and as whole eggs. Since whole egg-based ones also contain fat and cholesterol. They are probably less in demand than those made from the isolated egg white, which does not contain lipids. Studies of whole egg protein powder have been observed. A rapid assimilation rate similar to whey isolate (12). And egg white protein is likely to be even faster. As seen when compared in food form (13).

There is a controversy about the protein quality of egg proteins. Some recent research has observed. That whole egg stimulates more remarkable muscle protein synthesis than egg white alone. When taken with the same total protein (13). These clues would lead to the conclusion. That whole egg is better than egg white alone for muscle growth. 

In reality, according to various recent quality indices (such as PER and PDCAAS), even the proteins egg white alone are recognized with the highest quality value, like the whole egg or whey (1.00) (14). In the recently discussed research on the anabolic superiority of the entire egg, he administered unrealistic amounts of fat (17 g, which does not mimic the proportions of the protein supplement), in addition to not experiencing a sufficient tremendous long-term muscle growth (13).

To conclude, whether egg proteins come from whole egg or egg white alone, they are always of the highest quality and probably have a similar anabolic potential. The date, there is no real evidence. To conclude that whole egg protein. Are superior to egg white for muscle growth. Given that the price of egg proteins could be much higher than the standard gold whey and the fact that they have a lower satiating effect (6), even in this case, it must be carefully considered whether it is worth preferring them.

Soy protein: Best Protein Powder

Soy protein is arguable. The highest quality plant protein. So it is also one of the first and most widely used. Plant sources for protein supplements (3). These most available in isolated form, making them rapidly absorbed (3) such as whey—various non-micellar caseins and egg cases. 

Despite being classified as high-quality proteins. These show to stimulate less muscle protein synthesis (MPS). When compared to whey protein (whey). Beef protein and skim milk (6). College Gpa Calculator For example. They directed less towards the skeletal muscle. And more towards the viscera and the production of urea (3,6).

Another defect of soy proteins represents the content of isoflavones (phytoestrogens). While having potential benefits for postmenopausal women, metabolic diseases, cholesterol, and various types of cancer can potentially affect endocrine disruptors. (15), but only if taken in excessive quantities. 

Soy protein is undoubtedly among the leading protein supplements. It aimed at vegetarians and vegans. But the purchase should carefully considered for the reasons covered. Particularly concerning the price. Various other vegetable proteins such as pea, rice or hemp, and lupins can be valid alternatives, even with a usually lower protein quality.

Meat proteins

Meat proteins have been commercialized. Mainly in more recent years. And can derive from two types of animal meat in particular—namely beef and chicken. Beef proteins are the most studied. Best Protein Powder In general, they are both available as hydrolysates or isolates, resulting in rapid assimilation (3). 

There are currently few studies on the anabolic potential of meat proteins. And those few observe similar effects on muscle growth. Between beef and chicken. Compared to whey (3,16). Given the generally higher price of meat proteins. Also, in this case, it must consider whether. It is worthwhile to prefer them to whey proteins or other lower-priced, high-quality. Proteins such as calcium caseinate or complete milk proteins.