Simple Ways to Avoid Acne

The embarrassing blemishes and bumps of acne can hit anyone – it might be most commonly associated with teenagers, but some studies have found more than half of adults also suffer from the condition. While acne isn’t a serious health threat, it’s significant in a social and emotional sense. If you regularly suffer from the condition, you’ve often less self-confidence, which isn’t a great thing since it can affect your social life. If you want to keep your skin radiant, clear, and clean, avoid acne breakouts by following these 8 simple tips.

  1. Stay hydrated

Many of those who have oily skin think that their skin is over-hydrated. What they don’t realize is that even oily skin can still dry out Best Sunglasses for Men

If your skin is dehydrated, your protective barrier becomes compromised, which results in irritation. The irritation triggers the hormones that boost sebum production, which results in clogged pores and frequent breakouts.

To keep your skin healthy and hydrated, drink eight to ten glasses of water per day.

  1. Keep your face clean

Whether you like makeup or not, whether you stay indoors or get sweaty and dirty daily, wash your face at least twice a day.

You have to wash off the dead skin cells, oil, and dirt so that the skin can breathe. By doing this, bacteria won’t irritate the skin, and pores won’t get clogged.

  1. Moisturize your skin

Even though your skin needs to stay oil-free, you’ve still to hydrate it. If you don’t moisturize it, the sebaceous glands will produce more sebum and oil, leading to an increased risk of breakouts.

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Look for a moisturizer specifically designed for acne-prone or oily skin. These usually have active ingredients that are water-based, can soothe inflammation, and heal acne.

  1. Eat a healthy diet

What you consume has an impact on your skin, so focus your diet around foods that don’t trigger breakouts.

Eating fatty or fried foods, dairy products, high-glycemic foods, refined sugar, and processed carbohydrates have been shown to increase the risk of a breakout.

Eat plenty of fatty fish, leafy greens, colorful veggies and fruits, complex carbohydrates, nuts, legumes, beans, and seeds.

  1. Limit sun exposure

Whilst soaking up the sun is an effective way to meet your vitamin D needs, you have to protect your delicate skin against the damaging effects of UVB and UVA rays. The UV rays from the sun can significantly increase inflammation and redness. It can cause dark discoloration as well.

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen to your face and skin about fifteen to thirty minutes before you go outside. You can also protect your face by wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses How to Mail a letter

  1. Don’t pick or pop your zits

It is tempting to pop that tiny red spot, but you risk more infection and might even cause scarring. Your body will treat the zit in its own way – just be patient. You can speed things up by using a 5% benzoyl peroxide cream or gel or visit a dermatologist who will inject cortisone into the pimple or drain it.

  1. Use acne-friendly makeup

Makeup has been the go-to for covering up frustrating blemishes. However, you might be making the breakouts worse, so be careful. Greasy, heavy products with cold cream, mineral oil, or cocoa butter can clog your pores and result in breakouts.

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As with sunscreen and lotion, your makeup should be hypoallergic, water-based, oil-free, and non-comedogenic. Mineral-based products with zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and silica help minimize redness and absorb oil.

  1. Use medications

If you experience severe or frequent breakouts, consider using medication. Some of the recommended drugs you can try include:

  • Tretinoin
  • Benzoyl Peroxide
  • Azelaic acid
  • Sulfur
  • Salicylic acid

Keep in mind that medications or antibiotics come in different strengths, so consult your dermatologist.


If none of the above tricks work, it’s time to seek help from a doctor from Epiderm Clinic, who can prescribe an acne treatment to help keep your skin clear, healthy, and clean.

But also remember that whatever acne treatment or prevention plan you go for, consistency and patience are key.