How Many Diseases In The World Today?

Although we know that there are 4 main types of diseases called; deficiency disease, infectious disease, heredity disease, and physiological disease. But over time, the rate of people being affected by infectious diseases has been increased. in a number of billions in relevance to the rate of other diseases being affected to people today.

It isn’t easy to calculate the number of diseases that are discovered. And being affected by people as either a general disease or a deathly one, but the amount is sure huge. Back in 2011, the World Health Organization discovered that there were about 12,420 different diseases present in the world.

But with time the amounts of diseases have been increased. And it never really stops, with more than half of them having no cure to it. But what are the most dangerous and threatening diseases in the world 2019 according to the World Health Organization?

Top 10 Infectious Diseases Marked by WHO in 2019:

With time, the world is facing more issues of deadly or dangerous diseases and most of them go unnoticed.  But in 2019 the World Health Organization has brought in attention to 10 diseases that will be increasing the risk of affecting people all around the world.

Air Pollution and Climate Change

  • The air pollution and climate change that has not yet been in control. Or less negatively affecting the health of everyone is the utmost risk to health today in 2019. As daily, a number of 9 out of 10 people breathe in polluted air and get affected by it. There are a number of many different ways this polluted air can affect a man’s body and health.

Use of Tobacco, and Alcohol

  • Diseases like Cancer, heart disease or diabetes or any other non-communicable disease is another great risk to human health in 2019. These diseases are the reason for about 70% of the people worldwide and the rate has not yet stopped increasing.
    There are many reasons that work as a leading factor to cause such disease. As the use of tobacco, alcohol, having unhealthy diets or keeping up with physical inactivity.
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Influenza Pandemic

  • The world is about to face another hit of an influenza pandemic. But yet we haven’t been able to figure out when exactly and how much severe can it be. The World Health Organization has been up for taking security. And safety measures of different sorts to keep updated on when this disease might hit the world. And searching out probable strains every year to include in flu vaccines that would protect the people from seasonal flu.

Health Care Services

  • More than 22%v of the population worldwide live in such places where due to some reasons; the people don’t get access to basic health care. These fragile settings are present in almost all regions of the world today.
    Where WHO is doing its work in strengthening the health systems of these countries and providing better health care services to the people for them to detect and treat their Health issues properly.

Antimicrobial Resistance

  • The best time with gaining benefits out of the antibiotics, antivirals, and antimalarial has run out now.  Due to this, the antimicrobial resistance is becoming a threat that would bring back the time of not being able to cure or treat infections.

Different Ebola Outbreaks

  • In 2018, cities containing more than 1 million people were affected by 2 different Ebola outbreaks. This tells us that the place that is affected by Ebola; a disease that is like a high-threat pathogen, is critical. The chances of these critical diseases being increased and affecting more places are increased.

Primary Health Care

  • Basic health care is very important for everyone to have access to all around the world. In order to stay away from bigger and worse diseases, proper and Primary Health Care is something that needs to be provided to everyone. Yet, still, there are some countries that don’t have any access to these Primary Health Care Facilities.
    Now, the World Health Organization is working on improving the Primary Health Care services in these countries with partners.
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Hesitant or Ignore the Need For the Vaccine

  • There is a huge amount of people who feel hesitant or ignore the need for the vaccine; despite having it available near them. Vaccine, as we know is one of the most effective ways of avoiding all sorts of diseases, and prevents about some 2.3 million deaths every year.
    But further going, the rest 1.5 million deaths due to diseases can also be avoided if the coverage and intake of vaccine would improve globally.

Dengue Fever

  • Dengue fever is a kind of disease that can kill up to 20% of people being affected by it. This flu-like disease which is caused by a mosquito bite has been increased in a number of cases affected with it, during rainy seasons in India and Bangladesh. Now, as this disease is spreading in more temperate countries and less tropical ones, 40% of the world is now at the risk of being affected with dengue fever.


  • Although there has been a huge progress in getting people treated and tested with HIV infections, the disease still continuous to kill about a million people every year with it. Today, the number of people that are living with HIV/AIDS has reached about 37 million people all around the world.
    Now to ensure that the people living with aids have an idea about it and can get towards a proper treatment, WHO will provide the introduction to self-testing along with the countries.

With respect to the World Health Organization’s research and awareness programs, these 10 diseases are the ones that can increase the number of people being affected with it in 2019? Although, we can’t really conclude how many Diseases in the World Today, but knowing what can affect us more according to the latest researches can help us a lot.

Being cautious of all these dangerous diseases and keeping ourselves healthy and analyzed with no health issues every now and then is very important for us to be fair with our own selves.