Top 10 Small Business Ideas for Kids

All you Teens and Kids who are interested in earning some extra bucks on their own, here’s a list of Top 10 Small Business Ideas for Teenagers and Kids. These top 10 small Business Ideas for kids will definitely help you to choose something that you can do without giving to it a second though and get a good amount of money out of it too. So, without further ado let’s just dive in our top 10 Ideas to start a business for Teenagers & Kids.

1. Blogger:

Blogging is the top most common business ideas for teenagers and kids, and we all know that or have heard of it sometime. But what’s new is that this is no more a business just limited to kids, as with the growing internet users and content available on it, everyone’s getting their hands on this business.

Don’t worry if this seems hard or something like that, because when we’re not aware of something it all seems hard. But the key fact is that blogging is the easiest business idea of all that pays you well; slowly but surely. Although there are some specific terms that need to be followed for your blog to appear on Google’s search engine results in somewhere in the top for the readers to visit.

But once you’ve figured that out you’re good to go. And figuring the Google ranking trick isn’t very hard at all, because you’ve got a million more articles and blogs on the internet to help you figure that entire thing out.

Now when we’re heading towards starting a business, especially in blogging; the one thing we need to remember is to write and publish what we’re interested in. A topic or niche where you can play and add colors to inside while having some fun is the right niche for your blog. Because if you can’t be creative and unique in what you write there, you might not get noticed, so write about what seems the easiest and less-hectic to you.

2. You-tuber:

You might have watched a million tutorial videos and teach you this and that type of videos on YouTube, right? Well, guess what? That’s a great business idea for all your kids and teenagers too. YouTube pays you for the views and clicks you get on your video.

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So, you can make a video out of some skill you know or share knowledge about almost anything and publish the video on YouTube, just like that. But before you start dreaming of some bundles of dollars reaching you at the end of the month, and then stop your imagination right there.

That’s because like any business, investment of time and sometimes money too, is what you get reaching towards gaining a profit. So, you have to wait patiently and post spontaneously to get your YouTube account assured and confirmed. But once that happens, this business idea is no less than any other great business you would try outside your home.

3. Social Media Manager:

Another great utilization of social media skills that almost every teen and kid has nowadays, is by starting their own social media manager business. There’s not much science to it if you’ve been a social person who has been able to make appealing posts on their account for themselves. Then you are sure to be hired by any company that wants their brand or product to be promoted and well-known on social media.

4. Starting a Lemonade Stall:

It’s fine if you don’t want to do anything related to social media and use your mobile phone all day long to get your business started and going good. That’s because a lemonade stand business is the top best business idea for teenagers and kids. All you need is the skill to be able to make lemonade and a place where you can put your stall.

A lemonade stall business Idea works best for summer, as everyone adores cool icy lemonade to defeat the effecting heat rays on them. You can also try out other food stalls according to the place or season, and you’ll surely get a great income out of this business in no time.

5. Babysitter:

Babysitting is another great business idea for teenagers and kids, although it can be a little hard but not enough to stop you from earning some good amount of money. You can either get hired at someone’s place for babysitting or even start a babysitting business at your home. And guess what? If you consider doing it at home than you can even get help from friends or family members; and in case no one has time, you can get some help for some extra bucks any day!

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6. Reseller:

This one’s another great business idea that definitely pays you off great for your time and effort. All you need to do is resell stuff from an online store or get them from a market. And sell them to people keeping some interest for yourself. Of course, getting customers can be a little hard but social media is the key to every problem nowadays, then why not this, Ehh?

Also, a little tip for you; once you start selling any item keeps your interest rate the least so that you can gain some permanent customers. And once you do get known or receive some permanent customers, you can gradually increase your interest rate.

7. Tutoring Services Provider:

Another great business idea for teenagers and kids is to start providing tutor services to others. You can tutor kids that are of lower grade than you. Or you can even teach any skill you know you’re great at to others.

Once you figure out what grade/subject or skill you want to teach others; you can get your business marketed with ads on anywhere on the internet or newspapers or even through broachers and get students.

8. Handmade Products Seller:

If you think you can make handmade gift items or anything handmade. Then you are most likely to get people who’d buy that from you. You can sell anything handmade from jewelry items to cards, gift items, home decorations, handmade lip balms or other beauty products, or anything that seems worthy of being purchased.

Like seriously ANYTHING! Just get into the making and you’ll definitely get your handmade materials sold out with some advertising in no time.

9. Baking/Cooking:

Now that we’re talking about selling handmade items, then let’s talk about food too. As not everyone can create craft items but some can cook or bake well. So all you teens or kids who can bake tasty items and cook some amazing snacks. Don’t keep your skill to yourself and start earning with it.

You can advertise your cooking or baking cuisine and sell some amazing sweets and snacks to people. And as much as any other item that is loved by everyone, food is definitely one of them.

10. Photographer:

So it isn’t very uncommon or new to any kid or teenager today. To take some good photographs every now and then. But instead of keeping that talent to yourself, you can start practicing your skills in advanced photography. Or product/brand photography and easily make a business out of it.