Hydrated Lime

Calcium hydrated lime occurs when quick lime is mixed with a liquid form of hydrated lime to form a fine, white powder. It’s a versatile solution that is used in a variety of industries. Some of these industries are agriculture and construction. 

Quick lime is a little different than high calcium hydrated lime in composition and reactivity. It is also a powered substance but limestone is used in its creation. It needs to be slacked in isolation since it produces heat that can cause dangerous circumstances. 

Besides their chemical makeup is different, they also have other differences. 

Their uses

Quick lime is often used in the industrial industry. It’s often used to make cement, and produce glass, and organic chemicals. It can also be used to create concrete blocks or bricks used in buildings. It’s also used as an agent to stiffen the binding within the asphalt and improve resistance. 

Hydrated lime is often used in wastewater to neutralize pathogens and waste. It helps make the water safe for environmental use so we’re not polluting our rivers, lakes, and oceans. 

Both quicklime and hydrated lime can improve the soil, making it better for agricultural uses such as planting crops. They lower the pH levels in the soil to optimize growing conditions. 

Density Levels

Quicklime has a much higher density level than hydrated lime and as such, it needs much more storage space. Therefore, quick lime can cost a lot less if you add transportation costs and storage fees. You won’t need as much storage space. 

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Quicklime’s density is about 3.34g/cm whereas hydrated lime has a density of 2.21g/cm. For more information regarding density and why it’s important, copy and paste the link below. https://www.thoughtco.com/what-is-density-definition-and-calculation-2698950 

They both require safe handling practices

Using any kind of lime harbors some risks, that’s why I always suggest leaving it up to the professionals. Hydrated lime, also known as slacked lime, can cause skin irritation if handled without gloves. That’s why it’s so important to handle lime with care. It’s also important to wear eye protection. It can cause serious eye irritation or damage if they’re exposed to lime. 

Quick lime has similar effects. It will cause skin and eye irritation if you’re exposed. Wearing gloves and eye protection will lower your risk of exposure. If your skin, eyes, or mouth is exposed to quick lime or hydrated lime, it’s important to wash the exposed area thoroughly with water. If your eyes are exposed, it’s important to use an eyewash station or sink to wash your eyes out. Don’t itch or rub the area until you speak to a medical professional for treatment. 

Also, since both substances are in a powdered form, it’s important to wear some sort of face-covering while using either substance. Hydrated lime and quick lime can cause dangerous lung issues if the dust particles are inhaled. This can cause a whole host of problems like coughing, choking, and breathing problems that can lead to unconsciousness. You can avoid these issues by storing hydrated lime in an airtight room. The team handling it should wear a mask for protection. 

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Additionally, both types of lime need certain storage parameters. Hydrated lime can’t be exposed to moisture. Doing so will cause a chemical reaction that produces heat. It can cause potential explosions or fire from other substances in the storage area from the heat. 

Melting point

Remember how I mentioned that hydrated and quicklime produce heat. Well, it’s important to know what they’re boiling points are and what their melting point is. Quick lime will boil at 2,850 degrees Celsius and melt at 2,613 degrees Celsius. Hydrated lime will melt at just 580 degrees Celsius. It won’t melt because it will decompose in heat and release water vapor instead. 

For more information regarding the melting point of substances, click here



Quicklime is made with limestone that is heated to approximately 825 degrees Celsius. Hydrated lime is made using quicklime with water. Basically, in order to make hydrated lime, you have to have quick lime. 

Why you should hire a professional to deal with your hydrated or quick lime production and use 

As you’ve probably noticed in this article, there are a lot of different risks involved in the production of hydrated lime and quicklime. There are also risks involved during its handling. For these reasons, it’s best to leave it up to the professionals. 

You’ll save time, money, and space by hiring a company to make your lime and distribute it for use. You won’t have to purchase or rent equipment, hire additional personnel to make the lime, and make room to house the lime yourself. It just makes the whole process easier. Plus, you’ll be making sure that all environmental problems are accounted for before use. 


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