Unclouding the Cloud

Cloud-based processes and software have been around for longer than you might suspect; almost certainly, you’ve probably used a few types of Cloud systems already without even knowing it. Whether browsing your messages on the various versions of Gmail or Outlook, or maybe catching up with an old friend over Facebook, or uploading a photo to Instagram, these all use the Cloud to function.

Clearly, these systems are not exclusively for personal use. With the advantages of utilizing the Cloud turning out to be increasingly apparent, it is quickly becoming the go-to answer for many organizations for a digital solution to everyday problems. With these systems turning out to be more extensive within the business, we should take a look at exactly how secure your data is on the Cloud.

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What is the Cloud?

All in all, what is “The Cloud”? In the event that you’ve at any point been inside a PC server room, you will see endless racks of servers, wires, and flickering lights. This is where programs, software, and information is put away, and it is accessed by various users through the PCs on the network; this kind of plan is called an on-site framework.

In place of this, think of what if these servers are not all located on-site and are restricted to one spot. More so that they are separate, and the data is being stored away in various areas across the globe. This is the basics of how The Cloud works: it comprises servers put away on the internet, but physically stored all around the world.

Why pick the Cloud?

It can be a little confusing at first as to why it would be more beneficial to choose Cloud-based infrastructures in favour of localised server solutions that are stored on-premises. All things considered; we should investigate the reasons that an increasing number of organizations are utilizing the Cloud over the conventional on-site frameworks.

The principal and most immediate benefit of utilizing the Cloud is that you never again need to have a server room. This saves massively not only in the setup and installation costs for both the room and the equipment but also on maintenance and running costs, as well as on time spent by your techie teams on updating and handling the day-to-day problems associated with having localised servers.

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Also, there is the added benefit of completely tailor-suited storage capacity options. This means that the amount of storage space you have can be easily adjusted at any time to suit your needs. Say your business is growing and expanding, and you are in need of a bit of extra space, then you can have it as you need it. The same works the other way; if you are streamlining the business and don’t have the requirement for quite as much storage, then that is also something that can be managed quickly and easily.  The added benefit of using the cloud is that there are no physical changes that need to be made; it’s all done online – that much easier!

Another great benefit is that now your server framework is essentially on the web, it can easily be accessed using any regular internet connection. This effectively means that you can have full access to your servers from virtually anywhere around the globe. So, whether you’re in the workplace in Britain or on vacation in Brittany, you can get to all of your applications and information just the same as every other person in your organization.

The security concerns

Some of the major worries surrounding the implementation of Cloud-based systems is whether information put away on them is secure. It can certainly feel appropriate to raise a concern about having the whole history of your organization’s confidential files and info saved on the web. Unsurprisingly, this prompts questions about how secure this kind of storage system is, and as such, let’s examine whether potential users of Cloud systems should feel uneasy.

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The primary worry that users have is whether data stored on the Cloud will be potentially taken by hackers. Considering that the Cloud can be accessed from any place on the planet (due to the nature of the way the system operates), this tends to cause a bit of a stir. That being said, any professional Cloud system utilizes very strong security and up-to-date encryption; these apply to all information sent among users and their organization’s servers. In principle, on the off chance that cyber-criminals figures out how to gain access to any information stored on the Cloud, it will be entirely useless to them without the right encryption key.

Over recent years, there have been various news titles about larger businesses’ Cloud servers which have been hacked, such as iCloud, Sony and on a greater scale, TalkTalk. The surprising thing about this is the methods that were used in these instances. As opposed to the standard techniques for getting hold of encrypted data and then attempting to crack the encryption, the cyber-attacks at Sony, specifically, were performed from inside the company. The “hacking” in these cases was of more of a physical nature, such as getting through security doors and accessing the servers in-person (very much Mission Impossible style!).

A great example of a secure system would be the Sage 200 Web-based system, as it utilizes the Microsoft Windows Azure Cloud, which brags one of the best levels of data security. It adheres to the business standard ISO/IEC 27001 2005. This essentially means that in addition to the fact that the data moving from one server to another is encrypted to a seriously high level, the locations where the servers reside are incredibly well protected with cutting-edge entryway locks, cameras, and access control frameworks.


Giving a huge piece of your organization’s data to be set onto the Cloud sounds overwhelming and a little nerve-wracking to begin with. In any case, the use of the Cloud is ever-increasing, as the benefits are simply too useful for businesses to ignore.

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