Playing with Her Big Tits

Men are obsessed with breasts. They’ve been worshiping this part of the women’s body since forever. From cavemen to modern guys, boobs have attracted male attention. Back in the day, they were symbols of health and fertility. Today, they symbolize attraction, passion, and intensified sexuality. You can look for the explanation of this obsession below: If you want to learn how to give your lady a sexy boob massage or want to learn Playing with Her Big Tits, you should learn to use your hands. When you are confident and skilled, you can make every woman go crazy and have an orgasm just from playing with her busts.

Keep Your Hands Warm

To give your lady an unforgettable experience, you have to make her feel comfortable and relaxed. As you will mostly use your hands for a boob massage, make sure they are warmed up and soft. You don’t want to play with her tits with rough and ice-cold hands. That can only cause some unpleasant chills that will turn her off.

Use Lotions- Playing with Her Big Tits

Your touch should be pleasurable for your partner from the very beginning. So you can lube up her breasts with some scented lotion. Make sure to use light and easy-to-absorb creams. If you make things too greasy, everything will be slippery, which can spoil the entire experience. 

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Apply lotion to the woman’s busts and massage gently. Low-pressure rubbing will speed up circulation and make her skin absorb the moisturizer faster. Use your palms for breasts and your thumbs for nipples. 

As you get rougher with boob action, don’t add extra cream. You don’t want to lick and suck all that lotion from your girl’s skin. But an ice cube on her stimulated nipples will provide her a mind-blowing experience. On this link, find more tasty add-ons to your foreplay.

It’s All about Technique

Tips for Playing with Her Big Tits

Once you have prepared yourself, make the massage sensual and pleasurable for your partner. You should start slowly by making her feel comfortable. She could sit on your lap with her back turned. Or you want to look her in the eyes while giving her the best boob job she ever had.

You should use one or both hands, depending on the massage intensity and your goal. For gentle foreplay, you should start slowly with circular moves. Moving on, you can squeeze your lady’s boobs harder, like kneading the dough. Just don’t go too hard. Some nipple pinch here and there will be a real twist. And right before you take fierce action, you can use your tongue and bring her seconds to orgasm.

Sex in the shower? If that’s what you both like, start by lathering up your lady’s boobs with soap or gel. Do that from behind, slowly approaching her with the body for an extra touch of sensuality. Don’t rush, but start with the sides and the underboob area. Pinching her nipples while kissing her neck from behind will make her melt.

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Spice Up the Action- Playing with Her Big Tits

Your hands are the best tools for a boob massage, but you can raise this experience to a higher level by using your mouth, not just for dirty talk. Since there are very sensitive nerve endings on both the tongue and the nipples, this action will be a pleasure for both of you.

If you want to turn on a girl fast, as seen on live boob shows, you can keep one palm on her busts while using the tongue to stimulate her nipples. Your other hand can go all over her body. You can run your fingers through her hair (or pull it a bit for some harsher action), hold her neck, or even get your fingers down there. Whisper some nasty words and skyrocket her passion.

After gentle warming-up, you can put your penis between her breasts and simulate penetration. That can be a peak of the foreplay. Breast skin is soft, so it will resemble vaginal intercourse. If necessary, apply some lubricant, as dryness can’t really put you in the mood. 

Women’s boobs are not just physical features that make them look and feel hot. They are very orgasmic, especially if a skilled man ‘works’ with them. All those sensitive nerves in the busts can be stimulated with the proper technique for an explosive orgasm. Erotic boob massage can trigger deep and enjoyable sexual pleasure for both partners.