Facebook Dark Mode

How to activate dark mode within the Facebook app

These are the steps to follow to activate dark mode within the Facebook app. And begin protecting your eyesight in low-light environments after months and months of waiting. The Facebook application has one among the top requested features by users: the dark theme.

This night mode, which was already present on Facebook Messenger, Facebook Lite, and therefore the desktop version of Facebook, has finally come to the mobile application after many tests.

In this article, we explain how to activate dark mode within the Facebook app with a couple of simple steps. Most viewed video on youtube Without a doubt, one of the most useful tools to guard your eyesight when using your mobile in low light environments. What are you expecting to require advantage of this news from Facebook?

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This is what Facebook’s new dark mode seems like 

After seeing how dark mode was a reality in Facebook apps like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram, the foremost normal thing was to expect this feature to reach the Facebook app itself soon.

And so it had been. We learned about this theme’s event in dark tones for the primary time in June 2020, when some users reported that they could already enable the night mode within the Facebook application.

The following months were characterized by continuous tests, which indicated that this feature’s arrival was getting closer and closer. Finally, in November, the dark theme on Facebook started reaching thousands of users of the social network application. 

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How to set the dark theme

Facebook opted for a dark mode with not very powerful black and grey tones. It isn’t a 100% dark theme, just like the one we discover on Twitter, where most of the interface elements (except the text) change to a rich black color.

In the case of Facebook, the background may be a soft black color, while the publications and the remainder of the weather, like buttons, change to a gray color which allows them to differ from the darker background.

In short, the dark mode of the Facebook application maintains the same design that we discover within the desktop version. This chic design facilitates the utilization of the app once we are in places with low lighting. 

Its easy activation additionally distinguishes the dark theme of the Facebook app. college GPA calculator You already know that with this feature. Further to protecting your eyesight, You’ll save battery on Android phones with OLED and AMOLED screens.

Step by step, we explain the way to activate the dark theme in your mobile app :

Open the Facebook app on your mobile.

Click the button with three horizontal lines within the upper right corner.

Scroll down and click on on the “Settings and privacy” section.

In the menu that appears below, click on “Dark Mode.”

Facebook Dark Mode

Click on the “Enabled” option to activate Facebook’s dark mode if you want the activation to depend. Upon the configuration of your mobile. Suppose you’ve got enabled or not, the dark theme. Select “Use system configuration.

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These are the steps you would like. To follow to activate dark mode within the Facebook app. self-cleaning litter boxes work, And that is it. You do not need to do anything to start. Dark mode within the app. Follow these five simple steps.

To remove the dark theme, you only got to attend the “Dark Mode” section and select “Off.” Although it had been long-awaited, now you’ll get the foremost “> cash in of 1 of the most useful features of the Facebook app.