CBD cat treats

CBD or Cannabidiol is a natural composite of the marijuana or hemp plant. Over the years, multiple studies have exposed just how this compound works in both humans and animals to combat numerous illnesses and health conditions, and the same goes with your cat too. This is all due to the introduction of CBD to the felines Endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is an essential part of the body responsible for maintaining optimal equilibrium within the body. In this post, you will find about the CBD cat treats.

There are many formats in which this can be done, however CBD cat treats have been seen by pet owners to be the most perfect one to date, not only is it convenient, but it lasts longer too and gives the required amount every day, through these treats’ cats can get their nutritional needs without any hassles and can be used in training them.

Dosing them has never been so easy with this neat and clean method, plus the bonus is that cats love the stuff! Many veterinarians worldwide have now grown accustomed to the products and are recommending this route to many owners from various suppliers such as Holistapet, as a way of enhancing the kitten’s health and well-being holistically.  What Are The Best Meal Replacement Shakes

A Cats Endocannabinoid System (ECS)

 All mammals have the ECS system and it is one of the vital components to an animal’s internal system working accurately. It helps to maintain a natural balance on the inside, as opposed to being affected by external factors and regulates important functions that maintain overall health and well-being.  All of this is done through a process known as “homeostasis”.

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There are several processes the ECS helps towards such as inflammatory response, joint mobility, stress levels, sleep patterns, appetite, pain response, mood responses, and even skin conditions, to name a few. And these are all done through receptors, namely CB1 and CB2, found both in the central nervous system, as well and the peripheral nervous system for instance immune cells, further information about these and what each functionality is can be found here: https://www.healthline.com/health/endocannabinoid-system

Even though there is still on-going research and clinical trials with controlled groups being done, the ‘CBD movement’ is going strong regardless and many owners are giving their pets foods with the extract and seeing positive results.


Are There Any Side-Effects?

To date, there has been no evidence about CBD being harmful to any pets, cats, or dogs. However, as with anything you introduce them to, it is recommended to do it slowly, starting from a minimal dose and increasing it steadily. According to many online publications, there is a comparative difference between man and animals’ metabolism to CBD Cat Treats. For instance, humans excrete larger amounts of it then cats do, through their urine.

Giving them too much of it can make them feel a bit nauseous, and some have found that there are a few other possible side-effects that can occur including:

  • Upset Stomach
  • May lower blood pressure
  • It may slow down the metabolism of certain drugs
  • Cause drowsiness 
  • May cause dry mouth

To help curb any of the above, always keep a bowl of fresh clean drinking water near their meal bowls, and before giving them CBD always consult your veterinarian, especially when your cat is already on medication of any kind. Chances are you may need to wait for their schedule of medication to be completed before introducing them to CBD. CBD Oil Beneficial for Dogs?

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Always make sure whatever product you buy, only has between 0.2%-0.3% THC. This is the substance in hemp plant extract that makes you high. Also, find a supplier that has their lab results certificates available on their website for the public to view, these certificates will show the levels of CBD and THC in their products and usually come straight from the medical authorities’ laboratories so cannot be altered in any way. 

Look for the best high-quality products that contain only natural ingredients or organic nature, as opposed to any artificial flavors, colors, or chemicals. If you don’t know what it is, do some research online, or don’t buy it at all. You will also benefit from giving them treats that have other helpful natural ingredients in them such as Boswellia, Turmeric Root,  and coconut oil or cinnamon, they all have health benefits to them.