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Inner thigh exercises are highly best for toning and shaping your thighs. The inner thighs or adductors muscles run from the groin to the knees. Inner thighs assists in internal & external rotation of the femur, stabilize the pelvis and eve aid hip adduction. Also, they help in running, walking, standing, sitting, climbing the stairs, etc. The Cannabidiol is another exciting website for more healthy health tips.

However, a sedentary lifestyle, poor nutritional intake, and age can cause inner thigh fat accumulation & muscle loss. And, remember that this can leads to poor posture, chafing, walking problems, rashes, and even pigmentation.

Fortunately, we are providing stunning inner thigh exercises that can solve all of that. Let’s begin!

Inner Thigh Workouts To Burn Fat:


Warm is immensely important before you starting any exercise. You have to dedicate a maximum of 10 minutes to prep your muscles for the next 35 minutes of workout.

Jumping Jacks:

  • First, you ought to stand straight with your legs and shoulder-width apart. There is a need to keep your shoulders rolled back, hands by your side, and chest & chin up – it is your beginning position
  • Very next, you ought to hop and land gently with your both legs wider than shoulder-width apart. Simultaneously, you ought to move your arms laterally up. You ought to stop once your fingertips touch
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  • Then, you ought to hop again and land gently with your legs close together. Then, you ought to bring your hands back to the initial position
  • You have to do this at a rapid speed, and keep breathing
  • You ought to repeat the 3 sets of 20 reps

Target –glutes, hamstrings, adductors, quads, deltoids, and lats

Side Lunges:

  • Start this pose by standing straight with your both legs wider than shoulder-width apart
  • Very next, you ought to bend your right knee, push your weight to the right, and lower your hips. You ought to make sure that your back is in line with your neck. You have to lean a little forward to keep your back straight
  • You ought to pause for a moment and get back to the starting position
  • You ought to repeat the same on your left side, this is completed one rep
  • You ought to do 2 sets of 10 reps to get effective results
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Target – glutes, hamstrings, quads, adductors, and hip flexors

Curtsey Lunge:

  • Same as side lunges, you ought to stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Then, you ought to place your hands on your waist, roll your shoulders back, and there is a need to engage your core – this is your initial position
  • Very next, you ought to lift your right leg off the ground and place it diagonally behind your left leg
  • Right after, you ought to bend your both knees and lower your body
  • Then, you have to get back and place your right foot beside the left
  • Very next, you ought to lift your left foot off the ground and place it diagonally behind the right leg. Then, you ought to bend your knees and lower your body
  • Then, you ought to stand  up and place your left foot beside the right – this completes 1 rep
  • You ought to stick on 2 sets of 8 reps to get instant results

Target – glutes, adductor, hip flexors, hamstrings, and quads

Frog Jumps:

  • First,  you ought to lie down on your right side, then place your left hand on your waist, fold your right hand, and place head on it for support. Ensure that your neck, hips, and legs are in the same line. (You ought to engage your core or maintain three plain neutral spines)
  • Very next, you ought to lift your left leg, you have to stop when your leg is at a 30-degree angle
  • Then, there is a need to pause for a moment and lower your leg
  • Right after, you ought to lift it again before it touches your leg
  • You have to do this 10 times before switching sides and also repeating the same with your right leg
  • You ought to do 2 sets of 10 reps for better  results
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Target – hip flexors, glutes, and adductors

Sumo Squats:

  • Standing straight using your feet wider than your shoulder-width apart, your feet should be at a 45-degree angle, shoulders rolled back, chest up, and hands-on your waist or palms together – it is said to be as your initial position
  • Then, you ought to push your hips out, flex your knees, and come to a sitting position. Ensure that your knees are pointing out and are not overshooting the tip of toes. You ought to keep your knees and hips in the same line when you squat down
  • Very next, there is a need to pause for a moment and then get back to the beginning position
  • You ought to repeat 2 sets of 12 reps to tone your inner thighs

Target – glutes, hamstrings, adductors, and quads.

Standing Alternate Side Crunches:

  • You have to stand with your feet and make your shoulder-width apart, folded your hands, and fingertips at the back of your head, keep your arms open, shoulders rolled back, and core engaged, this is your initial position
  • Then, you ought to lift your left leg off the ground, then bring your right elbow close to the knee, and crunch
  • Then, you ought to release the pose and place your left foot on the ground
  • Very next, you ought to do the same with your right leg and left elbow to complete a single rep
  • You ought to do 2 sets of 12 reps to get stunning results

Target – glutes, hamstrings, adductors, obliques, lats, and quads.

Seated Butterfly Pose:

  • First, you have to sit on a mat
  • Then, you ought to flex your knees, open your legs, and brings your foots soles together. You have to hold your feet together with your hands, bringing them close to your groin area
  • Very next, you ought to roll your shoulders back, chest up, and engage your core
  • Then, you ought to lift both knees. Then, you ought to pause for a moment and push your knees down
  • You have to do the 2 sets of 20 reps for better outcomes

Target – Adductors